Man has to make the best use of available time. We
should always try to focus our mind on God. Even though we are busily
engaged in selfless service, our minds should always think of God. We
should not stop remembering God simply because we are engaged in social
Slowly, the egoistic feeling that 'I' am doing work' will dominate the
mind. It causes us to forget God who made us as His instruments to accomplish
His great purpose. When ego gets bloated, we may lose the spirit of
spirituality in our service.
Deprived of the spirit of service, we may get alienated from God. In
whatever work we are engaged in, we must always chant Baba's name and
remember that Baba pervades in all beings and everywhere. To serve all
is to serve Sai, the Omnipresent One.The devotion to God should not
be like the dress we change everyday but should become the breath of
our lives. 'Before you get to work, offer it to me'....
these words of Baba have to be kept in mind. If we can constantly chant
His name while engaged in work, Baba will make it successful and Himself
decides the due returns for it. It is Baba who does and gets the work
done through us. Even the receiver and the active force of help is Baba
In our spiritual practice, we must bear in mind the truth that Sai is
the Prime Mover of our lives.