It is because of God's grace for us that we are blessed to take birth
in a great country at an auspicious period in a great race and in a
great culture. Besides, if we could spend our time in the past in the
service of God, we should think that it is because of Baba's grace only.
Likewise, if we can spare our future for performing good deeds, it should
also be deemed as Baba's benevolence.
Instead, if our time is spent in doing bad things, then we should consider
that it is nothing but our foul nature. But, if something good happens,
we should think that it is Baba who provides us with such a good opportunity.Sometimes,
the deeds done under the spell of temptations cause misery. Yet, Baba's
Heart would pardon us.
We should realize that if we could perform Yagna, meditation,
penance, religious rites, make pilgrimages and render service to the
needy, satsang and swadhyaya, it is because of God's good-will.
Baba Himself will direct us to tread the good path. Indulging in acts
of speaking falsehood, stealing, exploitation, cheating the trusted
ones are the root cause of our wicked nature only. It is primarily due
to the company of bad people around us. Thus, we should always
associate ourselves with good-natured people (Satsang) and cultivate
sublime thoughts and share God's infinite love with all.