Your Question
Shree Saibaba's Answer

(A rare book)
Translation into English by : Dr. B.S. Rege
For Baba's Message/Solution:
Type a Number between 1 - 720 which Number comes to your mind...
That Number = Sai Baba's Answer...

Enter the Number :
Baba's Answer will be displayed below :
How it Works..

Assume you are sitting in front of Sri SaiBaba & Baba is smiling at you

* Think of your Problem to be solved & Seek Baba's Help.
*  Ask him to suggest you any one Number between 1 to 720 as Answer
*  a Number will come up in your Mind
*  Type that Number in the Answer box above and Press "Get Answer" button
*  That Number = Shirdi Sai Baba's Answer...
*  The Number should be between 1 to 720 only...
*  Please experience these answers and do not take it as fun.

Shirdi Sai Baba our beloved Guru.. God... & everything. Always shall be there when we need him,
only in different forms & avatars.

Yes.. it works like a Miracle
The answers given by him and programmed into a numbering format for the Numbers between 1 to 720. The answers given here are not ours & are not random either. Each Number has different meanings & solutions and only the answer most suitable to you shall come up in your mind... as the number to the answer. (the first number that comes to your mind)

Please don't treat this as child's play, if you believe him... you will experience the Solution to your Problem.

May Baba Bless Us All
This website is completely dedicated to Shirdi Saibaba & is meant to spread his message...
and to help everyone find answers to their problems & with no commercial intention.